How Much Is Scuba Gear - Essential Dive Equipment Pricing

Get The Right Advice About Scuba Gear from A PADI Dive Instructor

How Much Does Scuba Gear Cost?

When it comes to calculating the costs associated with owning a set of scuba gear, it is vital to think beyond simply the cost upfront. Recreational scuba divers need to consider the long-term cost implications, as dive enthusiasts need to carefully contemplate not only the initial expense but what usage and lifespan they will get out of their equipment. Maintaining scuba diving gear is paramount for safety reasons and requires regular service throughout its life; divers need to ensure that they factor this in when setting their budgets. The good news is that although investing in premium-grade materials can be pricey, many divers find that the quality and success achieved on dives far outweigh any outlay in the long run.

Proper gear is essential for scuba divers to ensure safe and comfortable diving experiences.

When considering the life of the scuba equipment, there are two considerations:

  • How well the equipment will last in the diving environment?

  • Is your scuba diving equipment suitable for your long-term diving objectives?

Finding the answers to these questions can be difficult for many new divers. To help you with this, we offer an obligation-free consultation with a Master Instructor to discuss and advise on what the best options are for you. These consultations can be arranged either in-store or online, whichever best meets your needs.

Scuba Diving Gear

When looking at how much recreational scuba gear is there is a considerable range in price. Dive gear is life support equipment, and this must be remembered when making your scuba diving gear selection.  The equipment you need will include a:

  • Scuba diving mask ($100-400): This is the key to diving comfort, and although you can get a scuba mask as cheap as $20, we recommend against these.

  • Snorkel ($50-$100), make sure it is for scuba, not snorkelling or freediving.

  • Dive fins ($80-$600). We recommend split scuba fins ($300-$400)

  • Dive Gloves ($50-$100), strongly recommended for diving around Sydney.

  • Scuba diving wetsuit ($300-$800): Anything less than $300 will not withstand the compressions that occur during scuba diving. Suitable gear is essential for cold-water diving.

  • Scuba diving gear packages ($1,000 - $,8000) and includes BCD, Regulator, Gauges and Dive Computer. When deciding on a package, the regulator should be the top priority for your gear. If you are on a budget, it’s best to reduce spending on the dive computer as technology is always changing.

  • Scuba Tanks ($450-$600) It is recommended that your tanks are rented while the diver adjusts their air consumption, or you may end up with a scuba tank in excess of your needs.

A buoyancy control device (BCD) is an inflatable vest that helps divers control their buoyancy underwater. It is an essential piece of gear that allows divers to achieve neutral buoyancy at any depth, ascend, descend, and maintain proper positioning in the water.

Remember buying your own dive equipment outright isn’t the only option. A lot of dive shops, including Abyss Scuba Diving, will happily rent you gear a day, so you can enjoy scuba diving without buying all the gear. A great option while deciding on your gear is a Dive Gear Card which is much more economical than renting gear on a daily basis and lets you try a range of gear before making the final decision.

Scuba diving lessons are crucial for new divers to learn basic scuba skills, gear familiarity, and safety.