If you're looking for a great choice in split fins, look no further than Atomic Aquatics Split Fins. These fins have been independently tested and confirmed to reduce air consumption and enable divers to experience the same performance as the standard Atomic Split Fins while requiring even less physical effort. Made from a soft high-performance thermoplastic rubber material, these fins are a great option for those who want the best of both worlds - great performance with less effort. Thanks to the semi-rigid battens that are set in the soft elastomeric blade, these fins offer great control and thrust while still being comfortable to kick. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, these are the perfect fins for you. So don't wait any longer, get yourself a pair of Atomic Aquatics Split Fins today!

Why SplitFins deliver more propulsion with less air consumption
All it took was watching the tail fins of fish – except that we couldn't keep up with them because our traditional fins took too much effort. Using hard kicking paddle fins can result in leg strain, fatigue and cramping. Because of the kick resistance of a paddle fin, divers often “felt” like they were moving fast. But underwater speedometers proved that these divers were actually moving relatively slow. SplitFins deliver more propulsion with less drag and kick with less effort. Reducing the stress and strain of the kick results in greater sustained speed, power and comfort. Independent testing has also confirmed that the SplitFin design significantly reduces air consumption.
Not all SplitFins are the same.
Splitfins come in a variety of shapes, sizes and stiffness. These contribute greatly to overall comfort and performance. A fin with short, soft blades will kick easier than a longer, stiffer one, but will require many more kicks to travel the same distance. A blade that is too stiff will require too much effort to kick comfortably. The Atomic SplitFins were specifically designed to optimize all these variables. They are easy kicking fins that deliver high thrust, speed, and efficiency with a comfortable, low frequency kick cycle.