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Abyss Scuba Diving

Welcome to the house of…. Ummm, well I’ll let you be the judge of that….
There are many different ways you can describe life in the intern house. For me, fun, exciting and chilled are the first things that come to mind. I think a little orientation is in need before we start. The house has five bedrooms, so it can hold up to ten people. This may sound like a lot but if it wasn’t for each individual person bringing something new to the house, it wouldn’t have the family environment it does.
Family D.I.Y Bonding session
The large living room is ideal for cozy get-togethers. Watch a movie, munch on the pizza we just ordered or simply for a heart to heart with other housemates, this place brings people together. Leading onto the study room which has a library of books for discussing what we saw on the days dive we head into the kitchen. A large kitchen with the amount of storage you would only see in the Tardis. Here we cook group meals, play music etc – it soon became the heart of the house where people head to socialise. Lastly, we head outside and we find the best thing about the house, a hidden gem, the swimming pool. Oh, the memories I have of that pool. A popular game that was created by Rhys, Nate and myself was thrown Olivia in the pool. We failed many times at this, but on her last day here we finally succeeded – YES!!
Now, this house created a family. People come and go from this place, but you don’t forget them. The family right now is made up of some great people. We start with our dad, Andrew. He looked after us and was always there if we needed some advice. Nadine soon after arriving took the role of mum. She kept us kids in line but was never harsh to us, although we get mad when she confiscated our ball. The kids we made up of Rhys, Curtis and myself. We could be classed as troublemakers, the people who brought laughter and chaos to the house. Tara is our hot nanny, as she babysits us and tells us to mum when we do something wrong. We also have Tom, our very own cook. If you ever want some brownies made up, he’s the man to ask. Lastly, we come to our crazy American stepsisters, Kara and Noel. These people, although the kids, don’t cause as much trouble as the rest of us and but are still pretty crazy – even more after a few at the IE party.
Think of it however you want. This isn’t just a place to live while doing your internship. This place will come to your home. Friendships aren’t made in this place, families are formed!
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